Prevail Mix is our line of wheat-based and gluten-free dry mixes which include pancake/waffle mixes, a corn muffin mix, a dry mix batter, and more to come!

Our mixes are packaged in biodegradable bags: our pancake mixes use no sugar, no salt, no aluminum, non-GMO corn meal, with a mix that fills you up!

Our mixes use high-lysine corn: nearly double the effective protein content of normal corn – almost as much as meat and more than milk.

We are licensed as a food distributor by the State of Minnesota

We employ former & current Street Survivors (unhoused individuals) to package our mixes at Zion Lutheran Church in Saint Paul, MN

We do NOT automate production, thus providing jobs for those who have been eclipsed from the job market

From money we make through retail outlets we can liberate street survivors from life on the streets

We need to expand operations to free more people from the streets, one by one. Your donation covers our steady increase of products to more and more retail outlets in the Twin Cities area