Author: Jerry Sedgewick
Interview with Colin Anderson
Food justice as of mid-summer, 2024 We hope you can join us for an upcoming Community Dinner!!! Do not hesitate to reach out for more information! Yes, many are fine being held ransomed for profit by an inherently violent and community destroying system of capitalism. One that does not believe that food, shelter, clean air,…
State Awards $122,000 Grant to Saint Paul Community Hub
Julian Schauffler FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 845-645-2527 ZION COMMUNITY COMMONS FOOD PROGRAMS EXPANDING GROCERY AND MEAL OFFERINGS WITH LOCAL FOOD PURCHASE GRANT After Second Harvest Partnership Proves Prohibitive, Alternatives Emerge and Thrive In recognition of its work supporting community food security, the Zion Community Commons, via its nonprofit partner Prevail Mix, has been awarded $122,682…
Prevail News (aka Prevail Mix) has put together a two-page guide for homeless persons, one page for those in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the other page for those in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Please print out to distribute, especially when a person is newly homeless (unhoused) and they don’t know where to go for help, food and…
Download document below for services, shelter and meals in Saint Paul. Pass out to homeless folks especially when new to being unhoused.
Charity Creates Jobs, Hires Those Trapped in Homelessness
Charity in Saint Paul, Minn. provides jobs for those in the homeless system by making pancake and waffle mixes for sale at retail outlets.
SNAP Funding and Food Shelf Impact – an interview with Christine Pulver of Keystone
Cuts in SNAP Funding and Food Shelf Burden Any potential cuts in SNAP funding from the next budget would lead to increased needs at Food Shelves. An interview with Christine Pulver from the Keystone agency in Saint Paul, Minnesota addresses what could happen if SNAP funding is cut. See the video below: A full transcript…
Hidden Camera and Real-Life Experience Reveal Why Homelessness Persists
Why is a question nearly all of us ask ourselves when we see those with cardboard signs at freeway exits and entrances. Why? Why are those who are flying signs needing to beg? Why can’t they get a job? Why can’t they find a home? In a new groundbreaking film, Guttered, Jerry Sedgewick of Saint…